Oh to be so beautiful, gracious and loving at young old age of 59!! Kiki is nothing short of amazing and I'm so glad I got to spend some time with her on her Birthday, I must say that my suggestion of PF Chang was sheer genius. I sometimes forget just how good it is. But I think it was the company I enjoyed the most (why didn't someone take a group picture?) Momma, Kiki, Me, Ann, Steph, Tiff. Talk of weddings and prom dresses, and some furious food sharing right down to the 4 desserts we sampled. I'm just going to say coconut ice cream...heavenly! Ann got the most perfect fortune that basically said "beauty is in the simple" and Mom got the worst when her cookie had no fortune in it what so ever...Yikes!
As if a perfect birthday lunch wasn't enough, the evening of Bingo was a Memory Maker. Thank you Kiki for humoring us. That Moose Lodge hot dog was not what you had in mind for a birthday dinner, but you must admit they did give you a fancy glass with your dirty martini's for the occasion. It's my fault I suggested that Tori and Jake get dinner before Bingoing sooo they missed Bingo Lesson 101. Poor Jake missed his big $50 win on the second game and then had to put up with the Bebe finger pointing for the rest of the night. You're a good sport Jake. Was anyone else amazed with the speed that Mother managed to spend money, pull tabs, loose money, drink a beer, grumble about the caller, and dob, all without missing anything on our cards? She is happy holding court among her People...long live the Bingo Queen!!! Thank you to my children for joining us - it meant a lot to all us old folks. I might recommend a quick chemo treatment to ward off the second hand smoke. Thank you Kiki for spending half of your birthday in the car, but we sure loved having you here!!

1 Comment:

  1. Tori said...
    Great post mom. I am sad I missed the wedding/prom talk. I was missing you guys all day long, but I guess my babies needed me.

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