Hickory Dickory Dock!

Happy Birthday Hick! I know you are living it up on the cruise and probs won't get a chance to read this (unless you pay the like milly-on dollars they ask you to pay to get wifi on a cruise ship) until after the fact, but none-the-less, here are my 10 most favorite Hick things:
1. She can still do the splits!! (impressive)
2. She's always with her man
3. Her amaaaaazing caramel popcorn
4. She's been everywhere and seen everything
5. Always runs into celebs, and to her it's no big deal
6. She luckier than a pot o' gold on St. Patty's day
7. Totally unselfish, always giving of herself and her things
8. Can sing Broadway tunes, like she wrote them herself
9. Has the best skin tone
10. The world's best boss (which she also passed on to tiffani, who earns the title as well)

Love you Hick! Enjoy your cruise!

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  1. hick said...

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