My day

So today I got up at 6:00 and it was still dark, but I guess I will just have to get used to that. I had some cake for breakfast which I made last night it looked a little deformed because I didn't wait long enough to put the icing on woops!! Then I had school and it was a pretty good day I can't wait to go to the main campus though, even though it looks really big and scary but I am sure I will be just fine. Practice today was kind of exciting it was sunny and warm and the distance runners work out which is the team im on had to run 40 minutes and then meet up at the track by 3:45. When we got there everyone was there boys and girls sprinters and us but the distance boys weren't there but oh well haha. Anyway we ran 200 intervals and then we took off our shoes and we ran 100's across the football field that was fun because we got to take off our shoes and we only had to do it for 8 minutes and then we got our track stuff that we ordered. I got sweatpants and on the left leg at the top they say NHS track and field and then I got the team shirt that has block letters NHS and inside the letters is tie-dye it is pretty cool and we have a quote on the back that say "The Pride you gain is worth the pain" which I think is very true. I then came home and ate some cake haha and I had an apple im not sure what im going to have for dinner but I will figure out soon. Anyways I hope you all have a great week love you all!!!


  1. Michaela said...
    This post was by Michaela by the way I just forgot to log in silly me.
    Tori said...
    I figured that you when you said you were going to school... and being excited about getting on the main campus. lol
    Kelly Haemmerle said...
    and running!!!!!
    Michaela said...
    Ya I figured everyone would most likely know it was me but I just decided I might as well say it was from me just in case anyone got confused.

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