So here I go. Jake and I had a relaxing weekend around the house. Again, we put off putting the finishing touches on the kitchen, but who needs them? ;) I made spinach and feta cheese omelets for breakfast which were yummy and then we decided to embark on a movie marathon. First we started out with "Dr. Horrible's Sing-A-Long Blog" which is a cult hit starring the handsome Neil Patrick Harris. It is actually a short film, but it was very good and very funny and very quirky, just the way I like it. We ordered Papa John's for lunch which was delicious and we munched on that as we went on to watch "The Hitchhiker's Guide To the Galaxy", "My Best Friend's Girl" and "Clerks" and "Clerks 2". I have no idea who we came up with these random selections, but ieach was good to watch. I also made pork chops, wild rice and a salad for dinner, so I did manage to get off the couch for at least an hour probably. Sunday morning came along and I got to bridesmaid dress shopping with Ann. It was such fun and we went to MacAllister's for lunch before which was delish. I was the dress model and which immediately made me regret not having a tan, but not biggie. We actually settled on an amazing dress, which is now ordered and paid for. How perfect. Then Jake and I headed over to mom and dads for dinner with the Davis'. It was amazingly good, with garlic bread, salad, some spinach and mushroom concoction and lasagna. I was stuffed, but in a good way. That was also when I got convinced to give Bingo a try. yes, I said Bingo. I am pretty sure I have been talked into going to Bingo tonight with mom, Kiki and Bebe. We'll see how that goes, but I have no doubt that it will be entertaining.

Anyway, this morning I finally drug myself to the gym after the weekend off. I did a quick cardio warm-up on the elliptical and then went to my yoga class. I went to the intermediate class today and it was soo good. Just the right amount of challenge. As much as it takes a ton of motivation for me to get to the gym I usually feel pretty good when I leave. I guess its just the getting there part. I usually feel the best after yoga. Anyway, it is my goal today to finish my Nicholas Sparks book I've been reading since January. Well, I'm off to make myself a quesadilla for lunch. I hope this blog has inspired others to post something..............


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