2. I remember the skunk but not the tree.
3. I peeled your skin off.
4. I got the same cut the same day - was it a Shag or a Gag??
5. FOR THE LAST TIME...I wanted to see how many times the dial would spin!!
8. Who stole the camero?
9. ...and money in the hay stack.
10. Don't forget the Rat Patrol Hat.
14. The first place I ever had Blue Cheese Dressing.
15. How about the purple bathroom that Mom was so proud of.
16. and my black hose with white strappy heels.
17. He still scares me.
23. How come I never knew this?
24. The street light was home base.
27. Tony Toole...it was his first time singin'.
33. Firehouse sausage and mushroom is a close cousin.
36. Who did it?
37. Sanding chess pieces in Beech Grove.
38. They even put our name on the matches!!


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