It's about MEEEEE and I don't care who knows it! So, I am starting a new lifestyle approach! I am going to eliminate sugar from my diet. And yeast. I may occasionaly eat a bowl of cereal that has some sugar in the ingredients or I may have a sandwich every once in a while but I won't be eating oreos and donuts and such or crescent rolls or french bread, or drinking coca cola. Here's why. I don't feel good and I'm tired and I feel poofy. I'm hoping this will make me feel better. I will let you know. Yes I will. You know I will. First of all, I usually get hungry for lunch around 10:30 and now I don't eat lunch until around 1:30. Big difference. I have on a pair of size 12 jeans, but it looks like I have on a life preserver under my shirt if you can imagine it. Sugar makes me feel bad and I am saying NO to it!


  1. Tori said...
    good for you! that is rough. For lent i used to cut out all the c's- cookies, candy, coke, etc. it's rough, but you can do it.
    Kelly Haemmerle said...
    I read an article where Johnny Depp said he didn't like donuts and I'm like. Uhmm, That might be a lie. So sometimes when I can't sleep I think about it. And sometimes when I see a donut I think, Johnny Depp doesn't like you. I still think he might be lying a little. I like the commercial where the lady kicks the donut and it like explodes. Because I work at a Software Company we have a lot of donuts around. And pizza. Johnny Depp doesn't really like donuts. Neither do I, I don't really like them either. When I meet him, I will tell him. He's cute. And He's not all Malcom in the Middle.aka, muffin top.

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