I looove thunderstorms. This morning when Jake left for work it was storming and I mean hardcore. The lightning kept flashing through my bedroom window like a strobe light and the thunder was sooo loud. For some reason I think my house like attracts loud thunder, because I have never known thunder to be so loud in my entire life, until I moved in here. So strange. Maybe it is because my room is upstairs so I am closer to the sky? Opposed to when I lived with the rents my room was 8 ft closer to the ground. Probs a lame theory but you never know! Anyway, I finally fell back to sleep after that loud ruckus that played out and when I awoke the sun was shining! It was absolutely perfect. I don't know about Indy, but it has been raining in Nashville for probs a little over a week! Crazy! So I am very happy to see the sun. I am about to embark on a little shopping hoping to find a reasonably (blah) priced dress for my upcoming events. Hopefully catch some starbucks (although I can't go to the one that gives me all the free stuff because it is not on the way). Then I def need to take Mav on a walk because has cabin fever due to all the rain.

A bunch of girls from nursing school are going out to dinner tonight in Nashville which should be super fun and then who knows what afterward! Happy Friday!


  1. Kelly Haemmerle said...
    Sleeping in
    Walking the dog
    dinner & dancing
    Boo said...
    I was gonna offer to buy you a new dress for graduation...but I found something else instead??? Guess you'll have to wait to be surprised. Might I suggest black, white, pink, beige.

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