Thank you for the Birthday wishes ladies!! I can not wait to post a picture of my outfit from last night. Yall are going to die. My friend Annabel made me a tutu and forced me to wear it. I also had to wear a crown and all these beads. It was one unbelievable outfit! We had a little partay at my friends Aarons house. I played darts and realize just how bad my hand eye coordination truely is. Today Annabel and I woke up really early and layed out. We are now in the computer lab working. Today is the SCAD Fashion Show, I didnt get tickets sadly. They sell out so fastt. Howeverrr they do air it live on the school website. I think it starts at 8 sooo if yall are by a computer you should watch it there is going to be some crazyy stuff on there and some of my friends are the models. It is basically the top like 30 or something fashion design seniors and there senior collection. Two of the girls were on the soccer team so I can not waitt to see there work. Miss Jay from ANTM comes down and trains the models!! Isnt that just way cool? However, you have to be 5'7 in order to be in the showw.. so i will never get to be trained by him :(
Thats the link!


seems like just yesterday she was graduating from high school!! Except, look at Mick in this picture! hahah Tori, I am sooo proud of you! You offically become a big kid today! Thats weirdd. Congrats hope you have a wonderfullll day.


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