Movie Reviews!


Omg it was soooo amazing. We saw it in 3D which made it even better, except for the parts that I cried through, my glasses were getting fogged up! It is such a sweet movie. I mostly cried through the parts about the old man falling in love and then, well, I don't want to spoil it, but let's just say I had a headache afterward from crying. But it is soooo good. You have to see it. Definitely entertaining and really funny. The litte kid is soo cute and is so is the little old man. You MUST go see it.

Terminator Salvation

Ok, so we all know I love Christian Bale. He does a great job in this movie, but I just kinda thought the movie was a little mediocre. First off, I was a little confused about the future/past stuff and trying to figure out who Kyle Reese was, but one I got that sorted out it was better. It was definitely an action flick, but for some reason I didn't totally love it. I would give it a B-, you could probably rent it.

In other news, Jake and I accepted an offer on our house! I am so excited that is getting closer to official. Our closing date is July 10th!


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