Hi girlz! So I suppose that I should blog a bit! But I will only blog positive! What else matters? The positives in my life currently are priceless and I shall reflect and share with my clarky sistas!

1. Me of course! ha ha! It's looking like Viva will be changing ownership officially in May. Yes this May. I'm cool with it. Really! Feelin' the economy like everyone else! So that is a positive for me! For the first time in a really long time I have a calm about me that I've hoped to find again and it feels good. I wake up every morning ready to see what happens next. How awesome is that? My days are filled with smiles and giggles that fill my house! Love that! Some of my favorite moments these days involve playing a board game which requires 4 players, because we can!, or cranking up the music and just being silly all together! Now that's what it's all about! So for any of you that wonder if Tiff is really happy..........you now have the answer! She is soaring!

2. Abby girl! She is keeping busy playing basketball! Who says the smallest girl on the team can't score every game? I am so proud of her and love to see her little pumpkin smile (because she's lost half her teeth!) running up and down that court! She wants to be a scientist when she grows up. Therefore she of course had to be in the science fair this year! Unfortunately that is not my department but she and Bryan have made this their project together! It makes her feel so special that he has volunteered to do this with her! And something that she needs! And then there is brownies! It's once a month and she looks forward to it every month! It's the closest to a girlie thing that I think we'll ever get! That's what I love about her though! She is her own being that's for sure! Wow was I blessed! Kelly talks about Steph being her rock, I have my own little pebble that keeps me going! She is moving forward in school beautifully and was just awarded the Golden Reader of her Apple Reading group the other night! (tear!) She had read the most books and progressed the most of all the kids from K-2nd grade! She was beside herself and so proud of herself! And I was fighting a lump in my throat like you can't believe! My little Punky!

3. TyTy! Would someone just let the kid play sports? He is obsessed with anything with a ball! (like most men!) If we could just get to Kindergarten then he can play whatever he wants finally! He has so many friends that he has made from school and I love going in to have lunch with him and see all the kids that love him too! And I crack up at how the teachers go on about how well behaved he is! What? I know he's a good kid but let's not go overboard! He never stops talking! And when will that voice get lower? He's still a soprano! But he is obsessed with football most of all, knows all the teams and the players numbers! It's very cool to listen to him teach me about it!!!! He's still full of hugs for mommy so that is all I care about! We are working towards bedtime without his closet light on! The door is now 3/4 shut, so we're getting close! My little Monkey!

4. Bry! I guess I could give a little insight to you guys if you don't know much about him! He's pretty special to me and want you to know about him! His full name is Bryan Hanan! He is 35 years old. Graduated from Center Grove HS and went to U of I. Graduated but is looking to maybe go back to get another degree in Computer Science because he is naturally talented in that department. He will only have like 20 hours to finish that because of the degree he already has. I love that he plans ahead, things are looking tough with his job now with 7up and the economy so he is thinking maybe a back up plan wouldn't hurt! He also spends a great deal of time with his tennis job. He won 2nd in doubles for state in High School and started coaching immediately after graduation. He was actually offered a baseball scholarship at a school in florida but turned it down to stay close to his family! (you know I love that!) He currently is the head coach at Warren Central. If you google his name you can see all of his accomplishments over the last 15 years of coaching high school tennis. It's pretty awesome! He also does private lessons all through the summer and is a referee for high school and college soccer during the soccer season. Love a busy man! He keeps me on my toes for sure. He has a younger brother and comes from a wonderful family! His parents have been married for a million years like mine so I love that too! They are so good to my kids and me! He actually has been a great support for me and makes me laugh like crazy! So in a nutshell there you go!

So this is my longest blog yet! I have my glass of wine, kids are in bed, and Bry will be here shortly! Sorry I don't do this more often! It's kinda fun! Just not enough hours in the day! I love you all very much! Until next time.................



  1. Kelly Haemmerle said...
    Okay, this may very well be my favorite post ever. Nicely done. And you win the award for most exclamation points. !!! Loooove it!Did Bryan get his tooth fixed? I've been worrying about it since Christmas. 7-UP? Are you kidding me? I love 7-up! It has the most sugar of all the pops, I heard. Anyway, I would love to talk to him about 7-UP sometime. Loooove it. I know, he probs doesn't like to sit around talking about 7-UP. Or does he? My favorite part of your post was "I am soaring!" In Tombstone Kurt Russel(Wyatt Earp) Asks him, Val Kilmer(Doc Holiday) How he's doing and He say's "I am rolling!" And it made me think of that. I will have to act it out for you sometime. Can't wait? I'll leave you a voice mail so you can keep it forever.Well, as usual, I've departed from the text here. One more thing. Did you know about creamy ramen noodles? I didn't and now all I can think about is creamy ramen noodles, buttered saltines and 7-up. It's rainy out and it sounds perfect. If I could get my Beebs to bring it all to me on a tray with a straw and a little folded nakin....Peace, My Loves
    Kelly Haemmerle said...
    Okay, You said "She is soaring!"Same thing. "Wyatt, I am rolling!" It still works. It also reminds me of "My heart soars like an eagle" Which makes me laugh. It's fun to say it like an Indian Chief. Which is probably not PC at all. But I always thought it would be cool to be a Medicine Man and it means your happy in nature talk, speaking of talking, am I still talking? My mouth runs like a rabbit!!!!!!!!!!1
    Tori said...
    That is true about the sugar!

    And i love that abby is a pebble!
    logann elizabeth said...
    Tiff, I was alll stressed out about what I had to do today and after reading that post I am no longer stressed. You just sound soo happy and I am now envious of your fabulous life and am looking at mine in the same light as yours. I need to meet bryan!
    Boo said...
    I was balling before I even got done with #1...and I love Abby as a pebble to Tor. Kelly I need to know more about creamy Ramen, I had just palin old Ramen today, do tell??
    Kelly Haemmerle said...
    Ask Logann, I had never heard of them either. But I want some. Maybe they sell them in Nashville, You will have to ask KiKi when you get there. Maybe bring back some????
    logann elizabeth said...
    Kiki was not that one that introduced me to the creamy chicken.. it would be college! I was in someone's room and them made me a fabulous bowl and I have loved them since then!! Ladies, creamy ramen is a must!
    hick said...

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