I believe that faith will get you to heaven. I believe that we should practice faith in our daily lives so that when we do die we know how to make that leap to the other side. I've heard it said that dying feels like taking off a pair of really uncomfortable shoes. And when you die, if your faith is strong your spirit will easily transcend. Believing in something you can't see is not always easy to do. I believe that God had faith in me when I didn't deserve it. I think of that when I wonder why I can't see God. I think that God asks us to believe in Him even though we can't see him because it's a way to make us think past what we can see. I know that we have free will to decide what we believe in and we all have to choose, but once you do choose your faith can grow. Your faith can also recede occasionally, but it hardly ever goes away. A glimmer of a memory always remains. When I think that having faith is just too much of a stretch for me I remember how God waited patiently for Me to come around and never complained. He had faith that I would eventually come to him, and I did. My God is very patient. I too must practice patience when I am waiting for him to show himself in my life. And He does, He always does. He gives me the right words to say when I need them. He makes me strong when I'm feeling small. He gives me courage and He loves me as I am. It's like keeping your eye on the ball, to practice your faith. I've always been a leaf in the wind until I finally decided to believe in something. My many fears have gone away, and if they try to make their way back into my heart, I have a shield of faith to protect myself with. When my time comes I will not have any doubt where my place will be. I will be going home and I will be ready because I have replaced fear with hope and faith and I believe that love will always carry me through. My God is Love and if you have the time to look for it, it is everywhere you go.


  1. Tori said...
    amen sister.

    you should read the last lecture. you can read it in like 2 hours and it is super inspirational.
    Boo said...
    The youngster of the family is not supposed to be the wisest???
    logann elizabeth said...
    i know a couple of incidences where that is true..

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