Me & Mav

I posted this pic of me and mav that i just took about 5 seconds ago! it is so fun have a cam on your comp! He struggled a little bit, but I got this in one take! I am about to head off to class, then do some cardio and tan! I am going to be a golden bronzed beauty for the cruise! I need to try and ward of the sun-poisoning spirits! I hope everyone has a beautiful day! Love love love ya!


  1. Kelly Haemmerle said...
    So adorable! I've heard so much about you preparing for this cruise, I feel excited right along with you. I could use some more deets though about who all is going again and what the ship is called and where you are going and all that, if you don't mind. And you have a chance. If not, I'm sure you will fill me in with pictures and stories afterward, but I just can't wait! And I'm not even really going.
    Kelly Haemmerle said...
    Now when I see a pic of Mav I imagine him in the old days when he had his portraits taken. I loved those!
    logann elizabeth said...
    tor you already have a fabulous glow to you! so jealoussss. i layed out today for like 30 minutes

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