Things that don't need improved

1.Jon Wayne Eggs (I re-named them)That's an improvement isn't it? I already contradicted myself.
2. Mike's smile
3. Steph's dimple
4. Gordon's eyes
5. Grandpa Jim Sweney's laugh
6. BeBe's song from Mike
7. John's voice
8. BeBe's handwriting
9. KiKi's hugs
10. Jon's giggle
11. Tori's hair
12. Hic's profile
13. Dad's walk
14. Grandpa Jim Jobe's whistle
15. Grandma Essie's hands
16. Toms sticky buns (tee hee)
17. Bo's dimples
18. My ability to avoid working

1 Comment:

  1. Tori said...
    love the list, espesh 18!

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