what not to eat

you wake up, it's gray and wet and all you want to do is watch TV and eat....well DON"T
I just ate a small cup of macaroni and cheese and a few bites of Jayce's Taylor birthday cake and I'm gonna barf!!!!! That is my parental advice for May 7th, 2009


  1. Kelly Haemmerle said...
    Well, I'm sorry you're sick but I do the same thing all the time. We must be related. I used to do that all the time and then I would have a gall bladder attack. And I would think, nothing is worth feeling this badly. I would take a long walk, it would really help.
    Tori said...
    yes! when you get the urge to eat & you know it isn't time or proper or you are going to indulge in something awful you must go on a walk. if you do that everytime I am certain you will lose pounds instantly! Plus, I just try to avoid the cookie/candy/cracker aisle all together!

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