Dear Family,

I just found out that the karaoke contest is voted on by the people in the bar. So, please come and vote for Mike. Monday nite, Feb 16. Fox and Hound Carmel. It starts at 8:00 and there are 18 singers, so that's a big commitment for a Monday night. I don't know what order they sing in either. I will keep you posted. Two people will be voted off every week. Geez, this thing is going to go on forever. No way I can afford that bar tab. Or all those Tuesday morning hangovers. Sitting in a bar and listening to all that karaoke sober is certainly not an option. I guess I will have to drink cheap beer and not very many of them. booooorrriiiinnnnnng. Being grown up can be quite challenging at times I must say. Oh well, come on Monday night and get him through this next round and I will ask different people to come next week, how's that? Unless you just have so much fun you want to keep coming back! Ya never know. I know if you can be there you will, and if you can't then it appears you will have many many more chances. And, I will remind you every week and keep you updated! FUN!!!!!!!!!


  1. Tori said...
    well you could always pregame it. i know mike always has a beer stash at home!
    Kelly Haemmerle said...
    Tori, you always have an answer. You should have your own advice column. Oh wait, you do....I'm on it right now. Dear Tori, thank you for your good advice as always!

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