Lazy Day at Home

Hi girls! I am so excited to be having a lazy day at home today. It is supposed to be 60 today in Nashville so I am planning on taking Mavy to the park. I will probably also hit up the tanning bed on the way home. I have a 12 hour clinical rotation tomorrow morning (yes--Saturday--ugh), so today is going to be my Saturday instead, except no Jake :( Is anyone going to go see some movies this weekend? He's Just Not That Into You comes out and I really want to see it. But I want to see Confessions of a Shopaholic more, but it does not come out until next weekend. I hope everyone has some good plans. Lo, I hope you get better!

1 Comment:

  1. Cathy Rogers said...
    Ha, girlie I will hit the cinema with you anytime! I havent been since we went together last! Just let me know.

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