The Year That Changed My Life, part 2

So, I make my way into the kitchen with Steph's little picture in my hand and I'm like
"Hey, Linda!"
"I just wanted to stop in real quick and give you one of Stephanie's school pictures."
She looks at the picture and says, "Awww, blessit." And hangs it on the fridge.
And there he sits.
Linda says,"Kelly, I want you to meet Mike, you know, He's the singer."
He has been staring at me the whole time, not hardly blinking. He doesn't even get up. I'm like, "Oh, hi." I'm not even sure if he speaks. He was just sitting there with his back against the wall. I think she was cooking him something to eat. He looked hungry and tired and small. Anyway, that was it. I left. Nothing major. I did like his energy though and I found him to be somewhat intriguing. Just sitting there, looking a little lost, or maybe he was a little drunk. Actually, I think he had been working all night at the mine and hadn't slept yet. Anyway, he looked like He needed someone to take care of him. Poor little fella. I know Linda cooked for him a lot.
So, that was that and off I went.
A couple of days later we had a significant snow storm, it's still January mind you. And I look out the front and the driveway was already shoveled out. I found out later that Mike and Ernie had done it earlier that morning. I thought that was pretty swell, actually.
Now, a few days after that I get a phone call and it's this red headed fella callin' me to ask if I could babysit his daughter for him. I said, sure I will! So, that's how it all began really, I was Kayla's babysitter. She came to the house for the evening and I'm thinking she must have spent the night, Oh, yes, she did because when he came to pick her up that next morning I had on my pink thermal long johns on. Ughhhh. How embarrasing. I wonder what I could have been thinking. Anyway, I babysat her a few more times and once He came to the Artist in you, I was still working there occasionally, just to help out, and he brought me a Wendy's spicy chicken sandwich. There was this man there at the time painting with his children and he was really big, just ginormous and He had been trying to convince me that he was rich and that I should go out with him. Well, this guy was really obnoxious and when Mike got there I was laughing and I was telling Mike about what was going on, probably trying to make him jealous, whatever, how lame is that. Anyway, Mike looks over at him and the guy is sitting there and the chair he's sitting on breaks and he goes boom on the hard wood floor in that old building and the whole room shakes and all the pottery rattles on the shelves. So, Mike starts laughing and I have to rush to this poor mans side to make sure He's alright. I felt just awful and Mike said something really mean that I won't repeat, but it was funny, and I was glad that there was a nice guy with lunch in a sack for Me so I didn't have to go for a ride with that pompus ass in his stupid sports car He kept bragging about. Not that I would have, but it was nice to have Mike there so I didn't have to think about it anymore, at all. So, Mike stayed and we ate lunch and Gayle and Wendy got there and He was pretty quiet actually. I wondered what He might be thinking. Now I know that He was writing a song in about Me, in His head.....lalalalala, I think I love her
to be continued...

1 Comment:

  1. Tori said...
    too cute. i love the part about the long johns. really what were you thinking?

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