Good Morning!

Hello to all! It's Tuesday Morning and oh what a beautiful day! Christmas was absolutely fantastic. Breakfast at the Hirschfelds was glorious! What a delightful treat! How gracious and wonderful! I love adjectives! A lot! I am dipping a candy cane in hot chocolate as we speak. Scrumptious. Have you guys ever had Graeder's ice cream from Ohio? Holy Toledo (HAHAHa) Talk about delicioso! My friend Emily brought me some to try. Isn't that sooo nice? And I'm telling you it's the best ice cream ever. I got black berry with dark chocolate chunks & peanut butter with milk chocolate chunks. UTTERLY delightful (HAHAHa) They have a website and they deliver. Yumiferous! Well, back to work for this little chickadee. Oh, one more little thing before I go. I watched Oh Brother, where art Thou last night. I haven't seen it in like forrreeever and it was so good. Oh my gosh, how funny.(She R-U-N-N-O-F-T) Of coarse, Conner loves it too. I need to find him a hillbilly beard and some overalls. Yeah, that's exactly what he needs isn't it? He knows two chords on his guitar now. A & E. And he can totes play through a whole song. He's been a strummin since a fore he was one. And he can play the drums through a whole song too. Boy's got rhythm. We are having a New Years Eve party if anyone wants to come on by. Fred and Gayle will be there as well as Hank and Ellen (neighbors) Bridget, Brandon, Misty, Josh and Teresa and Edward. Steph will have some friends over too. I'm going to bake a ham, there will be a fire in the fireplace and live music. I even bought some kids wine! And I bought cool ranch AND nacho cheese DORITOS because they go together like ramalamalama yipeededangdedong. I MIGHT even bake a pie~ I probably will bang pots together because that's my kinda fun, I'm a pot bangin fool come midnight . So, come one, come all! The more the merrier, as we all know.


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