Meet Holly

Holly is my cubicle buddy. She told me she made a torte with ganache. And I said, wha? So, that is why I posted the torte and ganache definitions. Holly said, do they even care or don't they already know this? I said, "I don't know, but I'm going to post it anyway." So, I did. Holly is an accountant, she graduated from IU. She is a Mom and her little boy's name is Garrison. She calls grilled cheese sandwiches cheese toasties. How cute is that? We know everything about one another because we are cube mates. She knows all about Ya'll too. She thinks I'm part crazy. Holly is very analytical and practical minded. When I had my gall bladder surgery she had sympathy pains. That's just how close we are. If she gets pregnant, I might get all fat and stuff. But at least I'll have someone to blame. Hey you guys, Happy New Year in advance!
Peace and Love to You~
Silliness to the Talliness


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