Thanks for the Memories

Hi Fams,
I just want to thank you all for a delightful time. What a wonderful weekend we had.
Things that stand out in my mind:
1. Abby handing out ramaki's and cookies. So cute.
2. Tiffani calling herself domesticated.
3. Logann's hair
4. Watching The Holiday.
5. Hiking with Avree. So cute.
6. The man in the red shirt.(sorry)
7. does not compute, does not compute. (robot hands)
8. catheter's for anyone too lazy to get up and pea
9. Ann tending the fire
10. Kelly P. doing the zip line.
11. Drave, Maverick and Lovee
12. Viva La Beaverville! nice. or was that Beavertail?
13. The full moon over the icy pond.
14. Christmas Music!
15. Artichoke Dip
16. hearing Tori sing into Mr. Microphone, or British accent holiday greetings.
17. Julie's story about the letter her Dad wrote her that she framed and her Christmas ornament he gave her.(still, gulp.)
18. KiKi's Quilt Quest.
19. BeBe & Lovee
20. Tiff's socks
21. Lovee's pajamas. & sweater
22. Dirty Santa~fun
23. Accidentally pinning the whole row of quilt squares to the bedspread.
24. watching Abby and Avree paint.
25. Logann's story about Hunter telling her about the man in the tree.
26. Stephanie getting her hair cut, twice.
27. Ann and Drake snuggling by the fire.
28. Tori sitting with Maverick (barely) on her lap.
29. Seeing Steph on the 4 wheeler with Avree
30. Abby putting mayo in Hic's hair.

I was only going to do the top 10 but what the heck, they just kept coming. Please add to the list as you remember things I didn't see or forgot to mention. I love you all so much my heart is so full. How fortunate we all are to have the sturdy little cabin to keep us all warm and to have each other to be with and we can be ourselves and just hang out together. We are all so busy it's such a treat to get to spend time together. The quilt turned out great and all the food was fabulous. Thank you Boo and Hic for sharing your getaway with all of us. Thank You for letting me bring Kelly too. She makes me feel like a kid again, I swear! Tori, Logann, Ann and Steph, you girls are all so sweet, I adore you all. Mom and Ann, you are both so precious, Julie and Avree, I'm so glad you were there, I don't get to spend much time with you and You are both adorable. KiKi, you are my hero. Tiff and Abby, I love you both so much, you make my eyes leak.


  1. Kelly Haemmerle said...
    Boo Boo and Hic, you are both so generous to share your cabin with all of us! You two are really two of the most generous and giving people I know. KiKi, thank you for taking all the time and effort you did with the quilt. I know how much planning that took and that some of it was frustrating at times but the quilt is a treasure!
    Kelly Haemmerle said...
    I Miss everybody!
    Kelly Haemmerle said...
    I also keep thinking about Tiff admonishing all of us for laughing at Logann's hair. She was pointing at us with the comb in her hand and I think she had her striped christmas socks/ elf slippers on. Tiff, you are so funny. And, by the way, Logann's haeir really looked amazing, just like you said it would!
    Kelly Haemmerle said...
    Oh,and Boo, so clever putting everyone's Christmas names on their gifts and I LOVE my salt. Averee Merry Christmas, that was a good one. And I love my scarf from KiKi/Santa and I ate my home made chex mix from Hic on the way home because I needed to keep eating, apparently.

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