Cat Stevens

This album was very famous when I was a young girl. Kim owned it and I listened to it a lot and looked at the album cover, a lot. So, one day in music class it was my turn to bring in music to share. I could hardly contain my excitement. I brought this album and I had selected the title track to play and share with my classmates. However, my music teacher. in a stroke of cruelty that remains with me to this day, decided to play SAD LISA! OMG! NOOOOOO! It's about a girl in an insane asylum. Mind you I'm like in 4th grade! LisaLisa sad LisaLisa. I felt like I might melt into a puddle. Children were snickering and turning and looking at me. How could I explain that this was not the song I wanted to play? That the other song was nice and good and happy like the picture on the front of the album. bright colors and groovy sounds. I went from feeling extra cool to seriously furious at that woman who also made us sing my hat it has three corners, all the time, with hand motions! I like the Tillermans boots and the way they stick out under the table. Wikipedia Says:In 2006, the album was included in the book 1001 Albums You Must Hear Before You Die. In 2007, the album was included in the list of "The Definitive 200 Albums of All Time", And Rolling Stone placed it on it's list of the best 500 albums of all time, coming in at 206. And wiktionary says:

tillerman (plural tillermen)

  1. (US) A person who steers the rear wheels of a fire engine or controls its ladder


  1. Kelly Haemmerle said...
    Have I already blogged about this???
    Boo said...
    nope! I love that album too.

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