Monday Funday

I just wanted to comment on two things that truly made my day today, and they are just so simple it is unbelievable!

1. hot chocolate after taking mavy on a walk. It reminds me of childhood when we would go sledding and my mom always had a pot of hot chocolate ready for us when we got back in from the cold! It was tastey!

2. vanilla scented trashbags! yes! It is true. we bought trashbags that have odor guard and they are scented! I was all sad and moody from taking out the heavy, smelly trash and then when it came time to whip out the bag, my nose was lifted to totally new heights! It was truly a breath of fresh of air!

I hope everyone takes a moment to enjoy the little slices of life!

1 Comment:

  1. Kelly Haemmerle said...
    Oh Tori!, I loved your post, right now I am drinking tradewinds rasberry ice tea and I love it! Also, I used conditioner on my hair and I also used my extra emollient cocoa butter lotion and I have on all cotton, so no suvvies, there is some spandex in my shirt which I could do without but,really, no complaints here. And I have on Mikey's jacket so I feel all comfy! Thank you for reminding me to count my blessings!

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