I'm not even grouchy or itchy today

I had to leave Mom's last night because she was burning those smelly candles and they were making my nose itch real bad. And every time I looked at the kraut pot I wanted to hurl. I sat on that couch and the fabric sticks to my clothes in the most uncomfortable, polyester way. In a nutshell it was a full blown suvvy attack. My skin was dry but I felt all puffy and my pants were tight around the middle but too short and I had white socks on. I also had a fleece jacket on which I was uncomfortable with because I knew when I took it off there would be that crackle crackle of static. My nose was so dry it hurt. I had a headache, cramps and work was hard. I went home and took a shower and watched a show on tv about retirement and old age and about the poor house which is a real thing. I actually thought it was just a saying. Driving to work on the radio there was a poem about a woman who's job it was to put the fillament inside of lightbulbs at the GE Factory. After 6 hours her hands would start cramping. She would go home in the evenigs and soak her hands in warm soapy water. She thanked God for her hands that she relied on for so much. Anyway, that's my story about what it's like to be me sometimes and maybe you will understand if I say I have to go home because my nose hurts.


  1. Kelly Haemmerle said...
    And I told KiKi that I didn't think that the Monks in her favorite video were real and it made her really sad and she called me something like a kill joy which then made me sad. Then we watched a Bob Dylan video which instantly made everyone feel better as he is wont to do.
    Boo said...
    How about we do dinner and cocktails at my house tonight? I promise not to burn any candles and maybe we can avoid the suvies.
    Kelly Haemmerle said...
    ok Conner is having a friend over so we will come over after that
    Kelly Haemmerle said...
    oh, it wasn't kraut, it was cabbage, close enough.
    Tori said...
    sounds like a great night ;)

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