I know I am a little behind in my reviews, but nonetheless I will say a little something.

You absolutely must must must go see The Curious Case of Benjamin Button. Brad Pitt is stunning in the movie (not like we dind't know he was a stellar actor). It is truly incredible though, in a Forrest Gump type of way (and there isn't a single thing I don't love about FG). Anyway it follows Benjamin who is born at the end of WW1 but his body appears old and frail and as he grows in age, his body grows younger!! I swear the cutest parts are when he is a little boy in a little old man's body. Totes presh I can hardly stand it. I am going to post a trailer for it, and i always die when i see the part where he is flexing his biceps (grrrr) in the mirror. I can hardly stand it i get so tickled. The story follows him through his life and it is truly inspirational. So promise to see it, K!

Now that I've talked about Brad, I most certainly will move on to Jen. I saw Marley & Me and bawled my stinking eyes out. It was soooo cute. So obvy we know (SPOILER ALERT) that marley is going to die, and I knew that goiing in, but that did not keep me from flowing like the mississippi! (Lawd have mercy!) Being a new dog owner and totally having mavy as my bdf (best dog forever) it was totally gut wrenching (ina good way... kinda happy-sad). And I could totally see me and Jake, I mean half of the movie is about the young couple and their dog , HELLO, could it be any closer to my life. It just made me so happy and sad and I just love a movie that evokes emotion and this one did! I mean I had to keep myself from hyperventilating, ya know!!

Lastly, I def recommend Yes Man as a great comedy. Jim Carey is great and I love my zooey deschanel (congrats zooey- she got engaged!). It is so cute and funny and also a good perspective on life!

so if you get a chance go see a movie!!


  1. Tori said...
    oooo plus jen's wardrobe is a+
    Kelly Haemmerle said...
    Ha! Great reviews and post. Okay, I just want to say that in the pictures of Shiloh and her parents they are matching, Brad/both in all white Angie/black. Tre' magnifique! Geez, everyone was stunning at the GG's last night. Can't wait to see Slumdog Millionaire. I am going out to lunch today and will be enjoying some delicious Indian food in celebration of Bollywood. I'm so all over it!

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