Hi chickadees! Well this week has been crazy with classes pretty much in full swing. I am taking some really great classes so though to end up my career here at belmont. I am in a class called senior capstone in which my instructor leads us from being student nurses to professional nurses (Ahh!). It is really great though because she knows a lot of stuff and she helped us get our resumes done yesterday. I am going to attach mine later in the day so I can get everyone's input on it.

I am also filling out an application for the pediatric nurse residency program at vanderbilt. Apparently it is pretty hardcore to get into, but I am going to give it a go anyway. I mean the worst thing they can say is no, and that would be fine! I have plenty of other eggs in my basket. Plus, the area I am interested in, pediatric or neonatal icu is apparently the hardest to get accepted to. The PNR program basically helps you transition into being a nurse with weeks of orientation, classes, learning, programs, etc. I will be a busy little bee!

Has anyone read The Last Lecture? I am reading it for one of my courses and it is really great. Plus it is a quick read, I think I read about half of it in a little over an hour. I hihgly suggest it and it is truly motivational. You can also watch it on youtube!

I cannot believe it is practically February!! And then March, which means cruise time! Anyway I hope everyone is having a fantabulous thursday!


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