Diablo Cody

I am hoping all of you have seen Juno, I know it is kinda old news now, but not to me. It is still a great movie, and I encourage you to revisit it, or visit it for the first time this weekend! it is so catchy and smart that I can hardly stand it. This is all thanks to Diablo Cody, whose story is so intriguing I can hardly keep from wetting myself! Diablo Cody is obvy a pen name, as her real name is Brook Busey (which reminds me of Gary). Not only did she pen Juno, but before that she was famous for chronicling her plites as a stripper through a blog and a memoir (which I have yet to read, but have no doubt it is totes brills). Her next film is about a teenage cannibal, which I find interesting, called Jennifer's Body, and will without a doubt be as unique and witty as Juno. I mean she went from college grad, to stripper, to oscar winning screen writer!

1 Comment:

  1. Boo said...
    Mick and I saw Juno together on one of our "Mom and Mick" nights. I was sure to point out that in real life no Dad would really be that cool to any boy that knocks up his duaghter...not even close. That's why they call it fiction!!

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