
Vaudeville was a genre of a variety entertainment prevalent on the stage in the United States and Canada from the early 1880s until the early 1930s.

It developed from many sources, including the concert saloon, minstrelsy, freak shows, dime museums, and literary burlesque. Vaudeville became one of the most popular types of entertainment in North America, defining an entertainment era. Each evening's bill of performance was made up of a series of separate, unrelated acts. Types of acts included (among others) musicians (both classical and popular), dancers, comedians, trained animals, magicians, female and male impersonators, acrobats, one-act plays or scenes from plays, athletes, lecturing celebrities, minstrels, and short movies.

Okay,this was me Saturday night! I'm sorry if you missed it, but now I'm back at work, mild mannered and results driven. hooo,hummmm. Anyway, in my mind, that's me up there with Fred Astaire, I love him and I love dancing with him. And, I like Gene Kelly too, but Fred Astaire is my fave, I remember watching his movies when I was young. I was telling my friend Ryan, here at work, that I was playing Louie Armstrong on the stereo and doing vaudeville he didn't know what either of those things were. hmmm. I guess if you never heard of Cat Stevens your not likely to know who Satchamo is now are you? So it goes!


  1. Tori said...
    I think I need more deets about what happened on saturday night!
    Kelly Haemmerle said...
    KiKi & BeBe came over and we had a wonderful evening together. Edward was there too and Me,Mike and Conner. Mike and Edward and Conner sang and played guitar. fiddle, mandolin. I played tambourine, sang and danced for everyone. I was doing all kinds of dances, old and new, some ballet too. That's all, same ol',same ol'.

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