
I am back to work today after a great time in Indy. I dreaded getting up at 5am, but I just have to keep thinking about the cruise and the paycheck!! I am really coming to a crossroads in my life. Up until now everything had been planned (high school, college, marriage, etc), but I am rapidly approaching a very unplanned portion of my life. Graduation is nearing and everyday I have a different idea of what I think I would be happy doing. It is almost as though I have too many choices and I cannot settle on one. I guess I need to realize that this is a good problem and that nothing has to be permanent, change is simple, especially with my career. I grapple with whether or not to go to grad school, and if I decide to go to grad school then I have to think about where to go, what to study, When to go and all sorts of things. I also have to decide where to work! Do I stay at the job I am at, just transition to a nurse, and only have a one year contract, or do I try to get on at vandy getting paid less and having a two year contract but a great opportunity? The transition would be harder, since I would have to go to a new a place, but nothing I can't handle. To complicate all of this I know when I want to have kids and move and all of that which is pushing down on my career choices. I honestly know that to me building a family is the most important thing to me, not a career (although I feel like I am letting my family down for some reason.... but all of the wonderful women in my life are mothers first and formost). But how do I know what the future is going to hold? I wish I knew! If anyone has any advice I'd love to hear it! until then I will continue to lament over my many many choices! And none of you have to remind me of how young I am and how I have all the time in the world ;) I have taken that into consideration too!


  1. logann elizabeth said...
    Tori, you are young and fabulous. Worrying about the future will do you no good. What appeals to you the most? You dont need to worry about what others thoughts are going to be toward your choices..its your life. Whatever choice you make I know you will be happy. love youu
    Kelly Haemmerle said...
    1)Pray about this
    2)Contact the local Nanny Agency, You can work for the Urban-Kidmans or whomever is preggers next. And you can also parlay that into a personal shopping career. Stylist to the Babies of Nashville. And, Your Aunt KiKi can make all the beautiful Babies their own quilts.
    Tori said...

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