
Well, it's 5:18. I leave work at 6:00. I'm almost done for the day, almost. Steph, Kayla and Conner start back to school tomorrow. My Birthday was totes brill thanks to my lovely family and friends. Steph and I watched Mamma Mia with Beebstah, she really liked it! What's not to like, right? right. Mike's Burfday is friday! It's weird not getting a card from Grandpa Jim on my Birthday and I will NEVER get used to it. hummpphhhh. Sooo, how is everyone doing? Can we get a little hello from everyone for the nEW yEAR? Maybe a resolution, or some uplifting encouragement for the year ahead? Plans? Schemes? Wild ideas perhaps? I did my Yoga tape Steph bought me for Christmas and it's b-b-b-b-bangin! I would love to be all Yoga Savvy by years end~flexibility, poise, balance, all mine. YOGA will get me through peri-menopause...YOGA will transform me into a beautiful butterfly of serenity and peacefulness. YOGA will take my stress, headaches, indegestion and back aches and will Laugh in there FACES. I will wear the half smile of the Buddha, I will live in the moment. I've only done it once and I am completely transformed FOREVER. YO-GA! YO-GA!

1 Comment:

  1. Tori said...
    i totes love yoga. it is great. I have been out of it for awhile, and I find it difficult to go to yoga classes bc i went to one once at belmont and they teach was totally nuts. she was saying all of these weird things like spiritual but weird and my friend & i could not stop laughing. and of course you are not supposed to laugh so i basically spent the whole class holding in laughs. it was quite hysterical. anyway, since then I have resorted to dvds. although I have been recently intrigued by hot yoga. this is where you do yoga in a steamy room (like a 100 or 110 degrees). It totally detoxes your body and burns at least 500 cals!! Some girls at work do it and it is right in nashville. i totes want to try it, but each class is 15 bucks and a one year membership is like over a thousand dollars!! rediculoso I say! but it is supposed to be amazing. I am focusing on my bod for the next couple of months bc of the cruise!! wish me luck!

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