Geetar Man

Conner is going over to his friend Jackson's this evening. He is taking his guitar he got for Christmas. Jackson is a guitar player as well. They are going to jam together a while. Conner says Jackson know several chords and Conner knows a few. I can just see Conner waiting by the door with his guitar case. (It's a junior so it fits him perfectly. And the case is a little beat up, so he looks like a seasoned musician. He says, "I got a guitar for Christmas, it has a story behind it." Which, basically means it's used, but, being Conner, he leaves it at that so it sounds mysterious and intriguing. So, when Jackson's Mom pulls up in the driveway and Conner walks out to the car he will be doing his guy with a guitar going somewhere walk. Not to be confused with his, guy with a toolbox going somewhere walk or his cowboy with a gun going somewhere walk.
He asked me the other day, "Mom, how do you become a movie star?" I said, well, you have to move to Hollywood, but first you have to take acting classes." He said, "Oh, I think I'd be good at that, don't you?" What I need to do is put him in dance class. That boy is a dancer, if I had to choose. He was dancing in Old Navy once and a woman walked up to him and told him she had owned a dance studio for 25 years and he should definitely be a dancer.
There was violin music playing in the background of a tv show we were watching last night and he looked at me and said, Mom, that music is so sorrowful and proceeded to portray a person in the depths of sorrow for the entire time the violin was playing. I just sat there looking at him, not blinking with my mouth hanging open, like what am I seeing here? I hadn't even noticed the music. Actually, it was a documentary called Speedy Delivery, and it is about Mr. McFeely, Mr. Rogers sidecick, the mailman. Well, I didn't realize it, but they were the very best of friends and Mr. McFeely was Fred Roger's P.R. Man as well. So, he was talking about how he missed his friend and they had sad violin music in the background. It was a very good program, but I love Mr. Rogers, so, there you go.
Mike just called and Edward found a brand new gig bag for Conner's guitar since his case is beat up. All the young guys use gig bads, they are lighter than a hard black case and they have a zipper and are made of like back pack material. Edward is going to try to make it over to the house before Conner leaves for his gig. So, please, someone write a post bragging about one of your kids or dogs or yourselves so I don't feel so bad about my bragging. please. Oh, I also learned that McFeely was Fred Rogers Grandfathers last name and it is also Freds middle name. There is a Mr. Rogers traveling museum exhibit and Mr. McFeely makes a live appearance occasionally. There WILL be a picture forthcoming.


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