Happy birthday Silly Tally!!!!! What a blessing and delight you are to this family. I have decided to send all my unanswered questions your way. I must say I still am unclear on the truffle thing. I guess part of that comes from never tasting or seeing one in person, some day! In honor of your big day I spent a couple of hours this morning reading and catching up on our blog!! I laughed, I cried, my heart hurts beyond belief! I would give anything to have your way with words and blessed spirit, yours too Tori. I had no idea this blog would erupt into such fabulous entertainment and insight into my loved ones hearts and minds. Please keep it coming, I vow to do better in "09", see I have already started. Tomorrow will be my black Sunday, both darlings are doing laundry and packing up to head back to school tomorrow, the tears have already started, surprise, surprise!

My love to all,
Kiki Cathy Clark Rogers

1 Comment:

  1. Kelly Haemmerle said...
    Hi Kik's! Love you!

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