Waterford Woes!!!!!!!!

Waterford changed hands several years ago and I could tell the differnce back then in the older pieces I had and the new ones. A few weeks before xmas I noticed Macy's had Waterford on sale (20%), I also got an additional 30% off being a Macy's Associate!!! I filled in my missing pieces, so for now I am covered! Guess I better take good care of what I have!


  1. Kelly Haemmerle said...
    I guess we will have to see what happens. Sounds like you got a good deal at a good time. Awesome! Loved the brass monkey e-mail! I hadn't a clue. (It's a brass plate used to make cannonballs stay in place)It's also the name of a bar, a cocktail and a band among other things.
    Tori said...
    sweet deal!!

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