Your just because of the day

Well, Here's Brad with his little girl. She is a pretty baby isn't she? If they made a baby doll of her I would probably buy it, that's how shmookie, shmookie cute I think she is. I wonder what she's like? I think she is probably sweet like her sweet Daddy. I like him because he is a midwestern boy made good. I don't even know where he grew up but in my fertile imagination it was in the midwest. And I'm NOT going to look it up.... You can't make me. Besides, Tori probably knows and will comment me later with the deets. And, I love the movie Mr. & Mrs. Smith. I don't think Jennifer and him were really doing all that great and so she still is his friend and is glad he's happy like me. That's how I see it. Everybody wins. And when you see Shiloh here you must be glad that Brad and Angie found each other in this crazy mixed up world because Shiloh is sooo cute. Just look at her. She's a cutie.

1 Comment:

  1. Tori said...
    you ARE right! his place of birth is Oklahoma! nothing more american than that. he is a good man. good good man. reminds me of paul newman and robert redford.

    did you also know that his real first name is william. just like our bill clark!!

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