
This is a recall of a conversation I had with TyTy about two years ago and I can never forget it. He was at my house for a party, I was in the den. He came down the steps with a big bowl of potato chips in his hands. And he said, and I quote, bear with me here, it's worth it, I swear. So, here he comes, with the bowl of chips..
Ty: Aunt Kewwwy
Me: Yes, Ty.
Ty: Whose chips are dese?
Me; They're yours if you want them. Do you want some?
Ty; Are day yours?
Me; Well Ty, honey, they're for everyone.
Ty: Whose are dey?
Me;They're for whoever wants some.
Ty: Are dey Conner's?
Ty:Are dey Abby's?
Ty: Are dey My Moms?
Me;No, honey, but she can have some if she wants to. They are for everyone to share.
Ty:Oh. (he looks down at the chips then back up at me)
Ty: Can I have some of dese chips, Aunt Kewwwy?
Me: uh huh.
Ty: Can I have dem?
Ty: Can I have all a dem?
Me; sure
Ty: I can have dem?
Me; yep.
Ty: Can I have all dese chips?
Me:Yes, Ty, you can have the whole bowl if you want to.
there's a pause, I'm looking at him, he's looking at me, he looks at the chips again and then sets the bowl down and says,...
Ty:I don't want dese chips Aunt Kewwy

And he puts the bowl down and walks away.

1 Comment:

  1. Tori said...
    hahaha sooo precious! Let's not forget that he is my God Son!

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