Letter to Ann

I read Cathy's last posting saying you are reading this blog too, so I wanted to say hi to you and to say I hope you are feeling better. I was sad when I heard you were so sick. You are such a trooper to come to Indiana and go to the CG&H Show and all that jazz when you were not feeling well, at all. I felt like I should have noticed that you didn't feel well when I saw you but I will chalk that up to your acting skills not my lack of observation.I imagined that I would send you a pretty card but I never did so, this is your pretty card. I know that Cathy has been taking good care of you. Isn't she the very best? You are such a lovely lady and so fun to be around and I just wanted to make sure you know how much you are LOVED!
Kelly Haemmerle, from the lovely State of Indiana


  1. Kelly Haemmerle said...
    Okay, I'm commenting on my own post again. That's probably NOT COOL, but I can't help it. I have a funny story, about you ANN. We were in Tennesse for Thanksgiving and it was in the morning and Conner came up the stairs and had just woke up and he had on this tie dye shirt that is crazy looking with black streaks running through it that look like dreadlocks. And Ann and I were in the kitchen and Conner comes to the top of the stairs and in his sleepy morning voice and rubbing his eyes he says, Mom, I had really bad dreams last night and Ann, real quick, said, "Well, Conner, If I'd slept in that shirt I'd had bad dreams too." Well, I looked a his shirt when she said that and I immediately started laughing because it probably was the shirt. So, now, whenever I see the shirt I think of Ann and how funny that was and Conner does not ever, anymore, wear it to bed. That's my funny story about the scary tie dye shirt that gave Conner bad dreams. Poor little guy.
    Kelly Haemmerle said...
    ACK! The picture I attached to my POST is kinds frEaKy in it's own way too isn't it? It's like hypnotic or something, don't stare at it too long. Sorry Ann, I did it again. I wanted to send a picture of a pretty flower along with my post and this is what I picked. Oh well, I think it kinda looks like Conner's t-shirt now. It's probably what made me think of it. I'll post a picture of one of those freaky little Grateful Dead dancing bears next. You'll really love that I bet.
    Tori said...
    haha that story is AWESOME!

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