
They're all different but what they have in common is their strength and their beauty . Their confidence is obvious. And why shouldn't they be? Look where they came from. A long line of confident, beautiful and strong women. Tiffer Sniffer belongs in this picture as well because she is all of these things and more. And she coined the phrase "us cousins" in her poem which made me think of this picture. Tiff, I hope there will be more poems forthcoming. The two minute poem is deluxe "Us Cousins" says it all. Conner told me this morning that DeLuxe is italian for delightful. Steph, take your braces off right now, your overbite is so cute in this picture. Sisterhood is DeLuxe~

1 Comment:

  1. Boo said...
    Just a little story about this picture...I had lunch with my old friend Gayla and had this picture and some others so we could play catch-up, and she could be a little jealous of the beautiful, confident, fabulous little girls "we" have raised. I left the restaurant with out the pix. Walked right out and left them on the table! Once I recognized the error of my ways I called the restaurant and asked if they had them. The very nice gentleman said yes indeed they did. He said " May I ask who are those girls with the beautiful eyes - they just have to be related". I of course proudly claimed them all. I was a little worried he might not mail them back to me but he did. Now I must say he also commented on the beautiful fish picture of Will too - but beautiful in a different manly sort of way. Just gotta love "us cousins"

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