So one of my favoritists shows is Jon & Kate Plus 8 on TLC. It is soo presh! I was just curious if anyone else has watched it? It is about a family of twins and sextuplets. Jon & Kate were unable to conceive so turned to fertility treatments and had their twins, maddie and cara. They were trying for one more, and ended up with 6 (originally 7, but one was absorbed in utero)! So the show is all about their life. It is reality tv at its finest!

It is soo amazing to see these little kids (Alexis, Aaden, Hannah, Leah, Joel, Collin, Maddie & Cara). I love it because each kid has this totally different, amazing personality. The best part of the show is Kate. She is a little high strung, total germophobe and slightly OCD (all of which she freely admits!). The show literally makes my day! Jon & Kate recently just renewed their vows in Hawaii to celebrate their 9th wedding anniversary! And they had enough children for an entire wedding party. I just wish you would all watch it if you have never seen it. It can be a little intimidating at first because you want to kind of freak out because of all these children everywhere, but just think about how Kate must feel!! Don't give up on it, you will fall in love. Just as I have. I just truly admire them and their efforts (I mean I can't imagine have 8 kids, or even 6 four-year olds! YIKES!)

So, you must watch it. It is on everyday! In nashville, it is on at 10a and 4p. TLC. I feel like I know this family, they are so precious and the kids really truly make you appreciate life! So set your DVR!

1 Comment:

  1. Kelly Haemmerle said...
    Okay! Great job, Entertainment Editor. Nice Post! Snaps for Tori! (Legally Blond)Okay, well,
    TTT~Torrence (Bring it On)Will you also be the Consumer Reporter? Can you do both,my little super sugar crisp? You are the one for the job and I will tell Y-O-U Why. QUIZ:
    Best mascara?
    Best bread?
    Best cereal?
    Best make up remover?
    Best StarBucks Drink?
    Best hypodermic needle...JK
    I bet you can answer all these without even having to think about it because you are the SAAVY SHOPPER.

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