Hello ladies! I have finally found a moment to sit and reflect on all that moves me! Shall I start with the fact that when my son actually kisses me goodbye in front of his friends I simply melt, but then when I pick him up from school he very well could wipe his booger on my pant leg, or burp without saying excuse me! What is that all about? I am trying to figure this little creature out. He knows every football players jersey number, but he can't be told to do two things at one time. Start with telling him to get his sox on, then get your shoes on, then get your coat on. Don't want to overload! Geez! And then there is the princess who has no desire to be just that! She who will grow her beautiful hair halfway down her back for her Tor and Lo, but won't freaking brush it for mom! Hmmmmmmmm, she actually asked me the other day if people really paid me to do their hair because I hurt. Nice. Or if that's not enough, she asks why Uncle Jon can't brush it for her cuz he is "gentle"! omg! But on a sweet note, Abs lost another tooth the other nite and the next morning she awoke to find her $5.oo (that beeeyatch only left me a quarter), and i asked what she wanted to do with it and she said, "Mom, I can buy BeBe's xmas present with this!". Had to share that because it was kinda sweet and kinda made me proud. :) I figure I will end this with a poem cuz I don't feel that I have held up my end of the deal on this blogging and being creative........so much competition! So here goes:

Once upon a time or two
I think about my auntie Boo
Or here and there i try to see
If i can go stay with my KiKi
Us cousins are lucky to have each other
And more than I'll admit, I'm just like my mother
On toast I don't frankly enjoy it with jelly
But what in the world would i do without my aunt Kelly
There's one lady to thank and we all see
We're lucky to have our very one and only BeBe

*if your name was not in this don't take personally! i did it in 2 minutes!


  1. Boo said...
    Love...love...love the peom. I'm just glad my name rhymes with two!
    Tori said...
    lovely! and i love the little snippets about ty and abby's day to day precious lives!

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