Twilight rocks my face off!! And, then goes on to rock my socks off! So I know I am a biased viewer because I am a majah (major in a british accent-- just like victoria beckham says it) fan! So yes, I am biased, but for a book turned movie it exceeded my expectations. The adaptation was Harry Potter quality, which says a lot. Granted, you have to keep in mind that The Twilight Saga is officially deemed a Young Adult novel, but, I will preface that by saying all generations, male and female have enjoyed the book.

The movie totally evoked the feelings of not just young love, but eternal love. Love on a completely different level, if you haven't read the books, then you may not know that the premise is about a clutzy high-school girl, falling in love with a smooth & gorgeous vampire. Sounds a little out there, I know, but if you read it, you will surely enjoy. I actually do not know a single person who has read it and not enjoyed it.

So, in short, the movie is thouroughly entertaining for young & old alike & does a superb job at staying in touch with the storyline, the characters, and the overall feel of the book. The best part is the passion, and let me say, there is passion out the wahzoo! I don't know if it because I read the book and so you get to see how deeply that passion runs through the character's eyes, but I could definitely feel it heating up on screen.

Plus, the new theater was amazing! Free refills on everything! So of course, I had my popcorn, dr. pepper and milk duds (shout out to Bobbi!--minus a diet coke) and the seats were soo comfy, they rocked (literally)!!

oh- and you know it is a good movie when I wanted to stay and watch it again, or at least go back tomorrow! I hope the review was a little more helpful that Stevie's! love!

1 Comment:

  1. Kelly Haemmerle said...
    Your review makes me want to see the movie. Bravo Torisimo~

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