Twilight Review part II

2:30 am
STEPH: Mom, I'm home. (She is silhouetted by the light coming from the hallway while standing in the doorway of my bedroom)She looks like Bella Swan to me.
Me: Oh, good, how was it.(lying in bed, half awake, half asleep)
Steph: It was good.(This is said with absolutely no inflection at all what so ever)
Me: Oh, good.(This is said with some sarcasm, which is pretty impressive considering I'm half asleep. I'm using sarcasm to convey how underwhelmed I am with her review.(This fact is not lost on her, I can tell, even though I cannot see her face. She's tired, there will be no more information forthcoming.)
Steph: night
Me: night, love you.
Door closes, light goes off, I hear her footsteps fade away as she heads down the stairs.
fade to black...


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